Monday 15 August 2016


So based on recent riding I've been trying to get a handle on speed over distance with climbing factored in using a couple of key rides:

So based on the above the following is the expected timings for each of the planned legs, of course I may well get slower as the days roll on and fatigue plays a factor, but it's good to have something to aim for:

One other main reason for doing this is so that Adrienne can get a good idea of when I'm likely to reach each destination, the stats with required breaks added in (15 mins per 2 hours riding):

Tuesday 26 July 2016

Training so far April to July

The triple tours didn't go quite to plan but I'm still pretty happy with the training stuck in since April, six weeks to LeJog and now it's just standard training to the event in September to keep the fitness up. Stats so far are: 6,780 km over 108 rides with 58,323 meters of climbing, 294 hours in the saddle.

Tuesday 14 June 2016

Thousand mile training challenge

Between Friday 3rd June to Sunday 12th June I'd set myself a 1000 mile target to ride in 10 days, the idea behind this was to a) give the fitness a boost and b) get a genuine feeling for what LeJog will feel like riding a hundred + miles day after day after day and finally c) try and keep the wheels running on the fundraising.

The fitness is back up to where it was last Summer before the accident, gained a real feel for the challenge that's ahead and the charity donations now surpass a thousand pounds ..... so mission accomplished. :)